Sonos Soundbar

Sonos Soundbar


Cinematic Sound

The mountable soundbar for TV, films, music, and more.

Enjoy crisp dialogue and impressive bass from wall to wall with Playbar. Control it with the Sonos app, your remote, and more.

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sound any way you place it

Whether you mount it on the wall or place it below your TV on a stand or console, Playbar automatically tunes itself for the best possible sound.

FireShot Pro Screen Capture #236 - 'Playbar_ The Ultimate Wireless Soundbar I Sonos' - www_sonos_com.png
FireShot Pro Screen Capture #237 - 'Playbar_ The Ultimate Wireless Soundbar I Sonos' - www_sonos_com.png

Hear every word clearly

Playbar was specially tuned by Oscar-winning sound engineers to emphasise the sound of the human voice so you can always follow the story.

Setup is simple

Go from unboxing to listening in minutes with just two cables and automatic remote detection.

FireShot Pro Screen Capture #238 - 'Playbar_ The Ultimate Wireless Soundbar I Sonos' - www_sonos_com.png




FireShot Pro Screen Capture #239 - '' - file.png

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